I was trying to do a fresh install of windows 7 on ultrabay on Thinkpad T420s.
Upon installing all the updates and trying to make a back up so the partition can be exported to another drive, I decided to upgrade clonezilla to newest version.
As usual, I formatted an empty USB to FAT and tried to load clonezilla image.
First I got a problem, where multisystem did not load at all, stuck at 'multisystem logo'
So I tried to re-install from .sh script downloaded from official website.
Trying to use the script, it complained about xterm.
-> sudo apt-get install xterm
Once xterm was installed script started generating repository pop up (I suppose it is adding some new repo, as manual method requires it).
Then it turned unsuccessful.
A quick googling revealed manual method,
(SOURCE: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.ca&sl=fr&u=http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php%3Fid%3D1229491%26p%3D34&usg=ALkJrhi6qDC6qOCIfS1cc3J0GTbWpBts5A)
-> sudo apt-add-repository 'deb http://liveusb.info/multisystem/depot all main'
-> wget -q http://liveusb.info/multisystem/depot/multisystem.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
-> sudo apt-get update
-> sudo apt-get install multisystem
'sudo apt-get update' complained about duplicate repository,
-> sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
then I commented out by putting # in front of 'deb http://liveusb~~'
Installed multisystem then complained about 'The terminal (VteTerminal) widget requires a version of gtkdialog built with libvte.'
Google search about the error returned a person who had the same problem, (SOURCE: http://superuser.com/questions/919442/failure-of-multisystem-after-first-install-on-mint-17-1-64-bit) and following solution page in dutch which needed to be translated. (SOURCE: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=search&rurl=translate.google.ca&sl=de&u=https://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/multisystem-findet-nicht-die-richtige-gtkdialo/&usg=ALkJrhjT7TZaQYDdWakXFCc1_DGm-Fj75Q)
I have tried other methods suggested by the first french thread,
-> sudo dpkg -i <path to gtkdialog.deb file>
using files downloaded from,
(SOURCE: http://liveusb.info/multisystem/depot/dists/all/main/).
Using version multisystem 1.0304 1.0309, gtkdialog 0.8.0, 0.8.2-1 0.8.3-2 amd64 in different combination did not yield a working install.
So I tried to purge all instances of multisystem, then did a fresh install of the newest version, which showed the gtkdialog error again.
This time, using dutch webpage solution, I compiled gtkdialog using vte as follows,
-> wget https://gtkdialog.googlecode.com/files/gtkdialog-0.8.3.tar.gz
-> decompress file to '~/Download/gtkdialog-0.8.3/', and cd into the folder
-> sudo apt-get intsall gtk+-2.0-dev
-> sudo ./configure
look for VTE... no
-> sudo apt-get install libvte-dev
-> sudo ./configure
look for VTE... yes
-> sudo make
-> sudo make install
-> gtkdialog -v
this should show
'gtkdialog version 0.8.3 release (C) 2003-2007 Laszlo Pere, 2011-2012 Thunor
Built with additional support for: VTE.'
Props to verdooft and everyone else I refered in resolving the problem!!
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